Celebrating 100 Years Of Alvita
The Alvita story begins in 1922, where a group of alfalfa enthusiasts saw potential health benefits in the vitamins and minerals provided by the rich green foliage and deep root system. They innovated, simplified, and improved consumption methods by introducing alfalfa in tea bags.
Alvita products provide herbal support for your health and wellness. We keep it simple; our products are single herbs so you know exactly what you are getting and can count on purity and efficacy in every tea bag. Alvita sources only high quality certified organic herbs to provide you with the best botanicals Mother Nature has to offer.
100 years later, Alvita is still brewing and are optimizing our tea delivery system, moving to individually wrapped dual chamber tea bags that will better preserve the integrity of the herbs and allow for a stronger brew.
Alvita... brewed with confidence, steeped in tradition.